List of the Top 60 Common Academic Words

Hi everyone,

I came across this list of Academic Words at  Click on over and see how the site has tabs for definitions, notes and examples and words only.  They also have tabs for practice and spelling bees.
This is a great list for Vocabulary expansion to help students see the relationship between words.

create (verb)
creation (noun)
creative (adjective)
creatively (adverb)

Their list of words include:

  1. analysis
  2. approach
  3. area
  4. assessment
  5. assume
  6. authority
  7. available
  8. benefit
  9. concept
  10. consistent
  11. constitutional
  12. context
  13. contract
  14. create
  15. data
  16. definition
  17. derived
  18. distribution
  19. economic
  20. environment
  21. established
  22. estimate
  23. evidence
  24. export
  25. factor
  26. financial
  27. formula
  28. function
  29. identified
  30. income
  31. indicate
  32. individual
  33. interpretation
  34. involved
  35. issue
  36. labour
  37. legal
  38. legislation
  39. major
  40. method
  41. occur
  42. percent
  43. period
  44. policy
  45. principle
  46. procedure
  47. process
  48. required
  49. research
  50. response
  51. role
  52. section
  53. sector
  54. significant
  55. similar
  56. source
  57. specific
  58. structure
  59. theory
  60. variable

Happy Teaching!


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