Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
I just put this lesson plan together for a fellowship I am applying for and thought I would share it with you! It follows my Reflexive Pronoun Unit that I give as a sub plan for all of you who have taken one of the Fun To Teach workshops. This alternate form can be used by anyone using their own picture cards.
Happy Teaching!
This lesson is intended for teachers of English learners in elementary grades 1st– 3rd who are at an Early Intermediate to Early Advanced English proficiency level. This lesson can be used for small groups or in whole class settings and is appropriate for all genders and nationalities. A simple change of picture cards may be need to meet cultural standards
At the conclusion of this lesson, students will be able to differentiate between the reflexive pronouns.
Listing of student outcomes
Students will communicate effectively 80% of the time when using reflexive pronouns to describe what people are doing in pictures.
Teacher and student roles and activities
Introduction: Teacher: Briefly introduce reflexive pronouns and describe their meaning.
The lesson: Teacher presents the pronoun chart in detail. Explicitly teaching when to use “it” (I can do it myself.) and when not to (He can shave himself.)
Teacher writes the subject pronoun and the corresponding reflexive pronoun on the board.
Students discuss the meaning of the reflexive pronoun. Teacher checks for student understanding.
• Teacher introduces the chant while the students listen for the reflexive pronouns.
• Call Back: Students repeat lines after teacher.
•Students raise their hand every time they hear a reflexive pronoun.
• Teacher passes out the reflexive pronoun word cards one per student. Teacher recites the chant. Students hold up their reflexive pronoun card when they hear their word.
The Activity: Teacher introduces the following prompt and reply.
Prompt: Who do/does _____ see in the mirror? Reply: _____ see/sees _____in the mirror.
Teacher holds up one reflexive pronoun card at a time. Students practice by looking at the card and speaking the prompt and reply. Students ‘Call Back’ repeating after teacher until they successfully repeat the structure. Students continue the practice by having a girl pretend to look in the mirror, a boy look in the mirror, and two students look in the mirror, etc.
The Game: Teacher divides class into 2 lines and names the first person of each line as the team leader.
• Beginning with the team leader the teacher reads and shows one of the picture cards. The first student to give the corresponding reflexive pronoun wins and goes to the end of their line
• The next student in line plays against the remaining student
• The team that has the leader back to the front of the line wins!
Wrap up: Refer to the objective. Parting Passport:
Teacher asks the students to say their favorite line of the day using a reflexive pronoun.
The overarching theme of the lesson is the introduction and practice of reflexive pronouns in oral conversation for English language learners at the intermediate/early advanced level of English.
35 minute lesson
· Introduction: 3-5 minutes
· The lesson: 5-10 minutes
· The Chant: 5 minutes
· The Activity: 5 minutes
· The Game: 10 – 12 minutes
· Wrap up: 3-5 minutes
Picture cards, reflexive pronoun cards, and chant for reflexive pronouns. Optional: mirrors
Write the reflexive pronoun chart on board or display with overhead or document camera (see chart below). Copy and cut the cards. Print copies of the chant.
Pre and Post Assessment measures
Students are given a variety of pictures requiring the use of reflexive pronouns.
Students orally describe what is happening to the people in each picture.
Teacher records the proper and improper oral use of reflexive pronouns.
Click here if you would like to see the Reflexive Pronoun Unit at my store on Teachers Pay Teachers!