🏃‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️ “If only I had more time in a school day”

Classroom Transitions

Have you ever caught yourself uttering this phrase?  

 “If only I had more time in a                school day…”  

You can easily add those instructional minutes to your day by explicitly planning for your transition times.  Carefully considered transition times offer the key to maintaining an optimal learning environment, minimizes disruptions and behavior problems while maximizing instructional time. 
By providing the structure of predictable routines, procedures, and behavioral expectations, teachers offer their students, including second language learners and those who struggle with poor attention and impulsivity, an avenue to success during transition times. 

Plan for the transition periods in advance.  

Take a few minutes and think about the transition times that occur in your classroom.  
Grab your free planner here!

Common transition times include: 

entering the classroom first thing in the morning
changing from one subject to another
leaving or coming into the room after assemblies
recesses or lunch, clean up time at the end of the day

The first step in planning for transition times

is selecting a signal that you will use for each transition time.  Be consistent and use the same signal for all transitions.  Make sure it is a visual and auditory signal.  Provide enough “wait time” for students to respond.

Choose a method to instill a “sense of urgency” in the transition

Students respond well to the feeling that their work and time are important.  By giving the situation “a sense of urgency” students respond quickly.  Set a timer, count, or sing a song to give students that “sense of urgency.  Often simply saying, “Class we have 40 seconds to enter the room quietly and slowly, return to our desks/tables safely and begin reading.  Ready go.” is sufficient to instill that sense of urgency.

Always follow the same procedure

During transition times where students leave the room, teach them to put their materials away, stand up, push in their chairs, move slowly and safely to the door.  During transition times to the next activity include an activity that will help children adjust to the change.  Consider adding: 
  • a quick opportunity to stretch
  • a song that focuses on the new activity or subject
  • skip counting
  • reciting a poem.  

This gives students a break to readjust and provides slower students a bit more time to complete the transition.  Be deliberate in ending this very short brain break. Go right to work, don’t waste time here.  This creates a “sense of urgency” and shows your students that you value their time and work.

Be consistent 


Smooth transitions occur when students know what to do and how to do it.  Adhere to your schedule.  Have work ready for students.  As students enter each morning have a plan for exactly what they will do as they enter.  Look at your morning and plan for success.  Teach students to enter the room and 
Hang up backpacks, jackets, and coats
Turn in homework
Sign up for hot or cold lunch 
Find their seats
Begin reading, handwriting, or whichever morning activity you choose

Consider playing music or setting a timer the students can hear for the first minute students are entering the room


Be very consistent and choose the same amount of time the music ends or the timer goes off in order to create that “sense of urgency”.  Transition times will be efficient and productive parts of your educational day when you value your students’ time and work. 

Finally, good teaching of any routine and procedure is the key to success

Remember to explain the expected behavior, explicitly model the routine and procedure, practice, practice, practice, and finally provide feedback. 

 Congratulations, you are on your way to smooth, efficient, and safe transition times.
We created a helpful worksheet you can download for free.  

What strategies and activities do you use during transition times?  Please share your ideas with us!
Happy Teaching!

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