Connect with Parents

Summer is here! 

Are you looking for a way to connect with students and their parents during the summer months?  

Mailing off a list of summer activities that promote literacy and math during the vacation months might be what you are looking for. 

Many times parents ask us for ideas of things they can do at home with their children during the summer, but lose the list as summer sets in.  Mailing them a checklist of summer activities connects you with them.   

Here is a list of great weekly activities parents can choose from:

·      Library Time!  Go to the public library once a week
·      Old and Young! Visit a senior center once a week and read someone there a book.
·      Estimate It!  Keep an estimation jar and have your kids guess the amount once a week!  Make sure they count the beans, rocks, etc. to verify their estimation.
·      Clean-Up Day.  Choose a local park to visit weekly.  Pick up any trash you find and then have a picnic!
·      Journal Time.  Once a week have your child write in a summer journal.  Orally review the week together and then give your child time to write about the events of the past week.
·      Wrap It Up! At the beginning of the summer pick out 8 to 10 books that your child wants to read. Wrap them up in gift wrap and once a week let your child choose the book he/she will read for that week.
·      Game Day!  Reserve one day a week for game day.  Gather together several games and let your children choose which game they want to play.  Young children can build math skills by playing go fish or concentration with a simple deck of cards.
·      Research It!  Catch bugs and research them with your kids!  Great fun and builds investigation skills in your children.
·      Put on a Play!  Once a week read a play with your children.  Dress up and act it out.  This is a great way to continue literacy during the summer.
·      Local Museum.  Call your local museum and ask when they offer free hours. In the summer many museums offer free hours and days.
·      Lemonade Stand!  Teach your child about money and responsibility by having a lemonade stand once a week during specific hours.  Shopping, counting change, and determining profit are all great Math skills for your child!
·      Keep in Touch! Let your kid write a family newsletter once a week.  This is a great way to learn about summarizing as they describe the week’s activities.  Kids can type up the newsletter, add photos and send them out to all the grandparents.

Click here for a printout of these activities you can send home!

Leave a comment below and tell us how you connect with students during the summer break.

Happy Teaching!


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