Math Fact Fluency

Math Fact Fluency 

I hope you’re having a sweet start to your summer! Some parts of the world are already experiencing heat in the 100s. Wherever you are, I hope that you’re staying cool and rested. And if you’re teaching summer school, I hope that you find shade on the playground and engaging activities to do with your students inside to beat the heat.

Word of the Week: 


Literally: a chain or shackle for the feet

Figuratively: something that confines or restrains someone

Don’t let the fetters of last school year influence summer school or the 2022-2023 school year!

You’re buying freeze pops for your summer school class. You left your roster at home, so you decide to do some quick math to figure out how many freeze pops you need to buy. You know that you have 6 students sitting together in table groups and 5 table groups total. How many students do you have altogether? How many freeze pops should you buy? Hopefully, you know how to multiply 6 X 5 to find the answer, but your students may not! They may need a multiplication refresher. 

Summer school is a great time to review areas that students may have struggled with throughout the school year. For several students, multiplication is difficult. So why not give students more practice this summer? 

My Multiplication Fast Facts Bundle features activities with multiplication facts for numbers 0-12. Featuring timed tests with 100 problems per page, tons of games to practice multiplication keywords, a multiplication table, and a graph to chart growth, this resource is just what you need to help students practice multiplication skills. When it comes to ESL learners, teaching vocabulary keywords is so important. The games included with this bundle are not only engaging but also meaningful ways to allow ESL learners to practice using content language for math. Watch as their vocabulary and their confidence rises with these activities.

Freebie Alert!

Looking for ways to supplement for your Spanish-speaking newcomers? Try this set of 0-1 Multiplication Games in Spanish for FREE. Discover how helpful it is for your Spanish-speaking newcomers to make connections between their first and second language by using this freebie alongside the English bundle. 

Teaching newcomer students content can be intimidating, but don’t take the easy way out by giving them busy work. I challenge you to find ways for them to engage with the content this summer. It just takes baby steps. Feel free to check out any of the resources in my shop or reach out for help. I never mind pointing you in the right direction.

My very best,

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