Looking for fun ways to introduce fractions to elementary students? Fractions are fun to teach, but the vocabulary around fractions is essential. Struggling math students and English learners really need some extra help! Are you looking for engaging and fun math activities to practice fractions with your students? Grab this set of SEVEN math vocabulary games in both print and digital formats that will help your students
Check out our Fraction games here!
Pizza Time:
Cut a large cardboard pizza into different fractions (e.g. halves, thirds, fourths) and have students match the fractions to the corresponding pieces.
Building Blocks:
Use building blocks of different sizes to create different fractions (e.g. a large block represents one whole, two small blocks represent two halves, etc.).
Fraction Garden:
Plant a fraction garden with different types of fruits and vegetables, and have students identify the fractions that represent the different parts of the plants (e.g. a stem is one whole, a leaf is one half, etc.).
Board Game:
Create a board game where students have to identify and match different fractions to progress to the next level.
Have students work in small groups to make a recipe that involves measuring ingredients in fractions (e.g. a cake recipe that calls for 1/2 cup of sugar).
Fraction Art:
Create art projects that involve using fractions to divide shapes and colors.
Fraction Story Time:
Share stories with fractional elements, and have students identify and discuss them.
Check out our Fraction Games here!
This list should give you some great ways to introduce fractions to elementary students. Have fun!