Ready, set, Go – Get Organized – ESL Year-long Bundle

fun to teach english and math activities

ESL Year Long Bundle

Grab yours today!

Are you ready to end this ESL year off right? Think about how nice it would be to have everything ESL organized and ready to go for your students. Here it is: ESL Year-long Curriculum Bundle

Get yours for 25% off and save!

ESL lessons at every language level

  • for all domains
  • your pacing map is done
  • lesson plans are at your fingertips
  • low prep!
  • Your class is ready to go…every month!


How can you go about that? Let me tell you. 

ESL Year Long Bundle

My ESL Year-long Curriculum Bundle on Teachers Pay Teachers includes everything you need to teach ELL students at all language levels.

Grab your bundle here and get ready for a great rest of your school year!

With units that are differentiated based on the language level, this resource can be used when working with:

            ✅Newcomers             ✅Beginning/early intermediate

            ✅Intermediate students

            ✅Early advanced and advanced students

Get yours for 25% off and save!

The great thing about this ESL Year-long Curriculum Bundle is how flexibly you can use it. Some ways that you can use it are for:

          ⭐ELD/ESL pull-out classes

          ⭐ELD/ESL push-in classes

         ⭐Title I reading 

           ⭐Intervention classes


            ⭐Independent work time

            ⭐Whole class lessons

            ⭐Small groups

When talking to teachers, I always hear that one of the most difficult parts for them is planning for students that are at different language levels, especially their newcomers. The great thing about this bundle is that the differentiation is completed for you.

Students at all language levels can interact with these monthly resources. The targeted activities included in this ESL Year-long Curriculum Bundle were designed to help students continue growing on their language proficiency journey.

 So what does this ESL Year-long Curriculum Bundle contain?

Are you ready to end this year off right? Think about how nice it would be to have everything organized and ready to go for your ESL students. Here it is: ESL Year-long Curriculum Bundle

ESL Pacing guides to last the entire school year! There are pacing guides with activities for each month! 🙌

ESL Year Long Bundle
ESL Year Long Bundle

Grab your bundle here and get ready for a great rest of your school year!

Vocabulary development tools that feature cross-content vocabulary 📕🔢

ESL Year Long Bundle

Sentence starter cards and writing sheets ✍

ESL Year Long Bundle

Graphic organizers to help students interact with the content 💭

ESL Year Long Bundle

Games to keep students engaged and give additional practice 🎲

Picture cards with real-life images to help students build vocabulary knowledge 🖼

Word Wall activities to help students practice vocabulary 🎴

ESL Year Long Bundle

…..and much more!

Grab your bundle here and get ready for a great rest of your school year!


Take the time now to get organized and set yourself and your students up for success for the rest of the school year. I promise you’ll be so thankful you did. 

This is a year’s worth of lesson plans for all language levels and covering all language domains! Yay!

Get yours for 25% off and save!

Don’t miss this chance to get organized and get prepared for the rest of the school year.

Click the picture below to check out this ESL Year-long Curriculum Bundle and save yourself some time:

Grab your bundle here and get ready for a great rest of your school year!

Ready, Set, Go!

Let’s Teach!


Happy Teaching!
Everything you need for English Newcomers!

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