Hi everyone,
I came across this list of Academic Words at Vocabulary.com. Click on over and see how the site has tabs for definitions, notes and examples and words only. They also have tabs for practice and spelling bees.
This is a great list for Vocabulary expansion to help students see the relationship between words.
create (verb)
creation (noun)
creative (adjective)
creatively (adverb)
Their list of words include:
- analysis
- approach
- area
- assessment
- assume
- authority
- available
- benefit
- concept
- consistent
- constitutional
- context
- contract
- create
- data
- definition
- derived
- distribution
- economic
- environment
- established
- estimate
- evidence
- export
- factor
- financial
- formula
- function
- identified
- income
- indicate
- individual
- interpretation
- involved
- issue
- labour
- legal
- legislation
- major
- method
- occur
- percent
- period
- policy
- principle
- procedure
- process
- required
- research
- response
- role
- section
- sector
- significant
- similar
- source
- specific
- structure
- theory
- variable
Happy Teaching!