It’s May and summer is getting closer and closer…can you feel it?

In this blog post, we delve into a bouquet of idiomatic expressions that capture the essence of May’s rejuvenation, growth, and renewal, exploring timeless phrases like “April showers bring May flowers” as well as some weather idioms such as “dust devils,” inviting language enthusiasts to revel in the linguistic riches that this blossoming month has to offer.In celebration let’s look at some fun May related idioms…are you ready?
Read more about teaching idioms here
What’s the Weather
- Dust Devils
- Easy Breazy
- Moderate Winds
- Heavy Gusts
- Gale Force Winds
Idioms for the Month of May
- May comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion
- Winter Slumber is Over
- Sell in May and go away
Just for Fun
- May-December romance
- April Flowers Bring May Flowers
- In the Merry Month of May

I hope you love ❤️ these idioms as much as I do and have fun teaching them to your students! As we wrap up our look at the idioms of May, let’s remember these phrases as little gems of wisdom we can teach our students and carry with us. They remind us of the fresh start and growth that May brings. Let’s keep using these expressions to add color to our conversations and to inspire us to embrace new opportunities. With each saying, let’s celebrate the richness of language and the timeless truths it holds.
Catch you later! 😉
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