Idioms and Figurative Language of Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Have you ever thought about the power of language that MLK offered in his speeches? Idioms and figurative language, repetition? He was a master orator as well as a visionary leader!

Let’s take a look at MLK’s use of language!

Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches are full of idioms, figures of speech, and idiomatic phrases that helped convey powerful messages of hope, justice, and equality. These playful language tools helped sway public opinion and inspired change during the Civil Rights Movement.

Idiom: I Have a Dream

One of the most iconic phrases from King’s speeches comes from his ‘I Have a Dream’ address. In this speech, ‘dream’ isn’t just about what happens when we sleep—it represents a shared hope and vision for a brighter, more equal future. By repeating this phrase, King reinforced his vision of equality, urging people to imagine a world of justice and peace.

Figure of Speech: Repetition

MLK loved to use a trick called anaphora, where he repeats the same words or phrases to drive his point home. In his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech, he keeps saying ‘I have a dream’ to really hammer in his hopeful vision for the future. This repeated language makes the speech catchy, powerful, and impossible to forget!

Idiom: The Arc of the Moral Universe

Another powerful phrase King often used was ‘the arc of the moral universe.’ What he meant by this was that, no matter how tough things get, justice is bound to win in the end. It shows his unshakeable belief that, even if progress feels slow, the journey toward what’s right is always heading in the right direction.

The Enduring Power of King’s Wordplay

By skillfully weaving idioms and clever phrases into his speeches, Martin Luther King Jr. made his powerful messages hit home with his audience. These language tricks didn’t just make his words more impactful—they helped cement his legacy as one of history’s greatest speakers.”

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